I work with Microsoft Project Server 2010 and found that there are some undocumented limitations. We needed to add a new ECF (Enterprise Custom Field) and named it to ParentProjectUID. This should work without any problem, but it does not! I think it is a reserved keyword for future usage or because of the [dbo].[MSP_EpmInternalProjectHierarchies] table which has a column called ParentProjectUID.
Repro steps:
- Create an ECF custom field and name it to ParentProjectUID.
- create a new project and save + publish. Project saved in the Draft database, however it was not published into the Published not even in the Reporting databases. There were some "encrypted" error messages in the log, but nothing about the exact problem. After renaming the field, it worked.
I was not able to find this information in MSDN or Technet. I'm thinking to open a case in the Microsoft Connect site.